Addis Goldman is a writer and researcher based in New York City. He holds a BA from Colorado College and an MA from the University of Chicago.
Select Publications
Flash Point: David Levi Strauss’s Photography and Belief
Critics’ Picks, Casa Malaparte: Furniture, Gagosian Gallery, Davies Street, London, UK
The Task of the Publisher: Lucas Zwirner Interviewed by Addis Goldman
An Artist-Driven Video Channel: Passing-Time Reviewed
BOMB Magazine
Harley Chamandy by Addis Goldman
BOMB Magazine
The Future of Futures: On Kalshi and Prediction Markets.
Lapham’s Quarterly
The Socialist Calculation Debate
Lapham’s Quarterly
Evaluating the Costs and Consequences of Sanctions
Chicago Policy Review
The Neomercantilists: An Interview with Eric Helleiner
Journal of the History of Ideas
Recentering the World: China and the Transformation of International Law
Journal of the History of Ideas
Why Carl Schmitt Matters to China
The Hedgehog Review
The Hedgehog Review
info [at] addisgoldman [dot] com